Sunday, May 1, 2016

Happy Belated Anniversary and Monthsary!

Happy 3rd Anniversary AS!

I know it's already late and I'm really sorry I have gotten a little bit busy over the month of April I did a lot of things and I wasn't able to celebrate by April 2.

But right now that isn't important because we are here to celebrate the 3rd Year Anniversary of AS and also it's monthsary of May 2! 

Over the years of this blog there are lots of things I have posted and done on this whole 3 years of bloggings with a little bit of hiatus.

Same as the anime of Aikatsu! The anime also has a lots of things going on and I haven't even fully watched Season 2 and 3 and also the new Arc of Aikatsu! 

Aikatsu Stars!

BUT! I will be making a blog about my insights about the whole Aikatsu series so far so wait for a bit on that

I wanted to discuss more on what happened why have I become inactive and my thoughts about this blog entirely but that's have to wait for a bit.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Thank you for 19,000+ VIEWS!




Thank you so much for the hits! ^_~