About Me

I am Kimely,
I am a Aikatsu fan and Yurika and Loli gothic Brand and my username is Yurika22 well yes I'm Yurika22
and I'm a graphics designer and as you know and i own nothing of Aikatsu properties it all belongs 
to there rightfull owners and also i'm a winx fan well i'm getting lost of intrest of winx so deal with it

History-Chapter 1 Watching Aikatsu

while i was viewing some new Anime the time i was bored when i saw Aikatsu i click it 
then i saw the description about it so when i check the episode List i click Episode one
i began to love Aikatsu i got so inlove with in the other hand i remembered winx club my 
most Idolish TV show is Like i'm losing intrest because of Aikatsu so when i had to choose
between them i choose Aikatsu because winx is for girls who 5-10 i'm grade 7 i have to move on and become Mature since I'm 12 so yeah since i got so intrested at Aikatsu i began to do 
some Blog so when i found Blogger and signed up and create a beautiful blog 

Chapter 2 Created Aikatsu Sugar

the Blog was made At April 2 2013 i try to see some news i can find but i have no luck so when
i find Aikatsu official site i some how gotten some great news from it ^_^ 

Chapter 3 Making Graphics

Well i'm good making at Graphics at winx but i never try it on AIkatsu so this gonna be hard though ^ ^" 


We reached 4000 Hits.Yes! This Month we hope to get 5000 Hits and looking back 
in the first opening of Aikatsu Sugar My first post was the Fresh Girls cup announcement
I started in April 2 and Now 2014 April 2 is here and I have fun!!!

Chapter 5 10,000 Hits Celebration

We reached 10,802 Hits this month of November.I like to thank everyone here


  1. hi, I love aikatsu too! And I like your blog, it's cool!

  2. Wow Really? Who's your Fav Character mine is Yurika I see you are also a dodoki precure fan ^_^ is nice to meet you and thanks for visiting

  3. Nice to meet you too! My favourite character is the girl with short red hair, she hasn't appeared yet, but I love her style !^^

  4. Sorry to say it according to the news they won't show The red hair girl i like too she looks like Raichi????

    1. oh?That's bad news. But she appeared in opening 1,2 and ending 2. I hope they will modify that news.Besides, she really looks like Raichi, especially the hair.

    2. Totally is Like there Brothers and Sisters ^_^
      and there's no sign of the Red hair girl to Show next Episode is Ichigo panic i don't think there will be a
      Signal and i Also learned the dance step of Wake up
      my Music

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Kimely, you've got an awesome site.
    This is Nower, by the way.

  7. Hi Kimely! It's Sasha! Wow... Your blog improving! Great job!! XD
    This blog is awesome! :D
