Sunday, May 1, 2016

Happy Belated Anniversary and Monthsary!

Happy 3rd Anniversary AS!

I know it's already late and I'm really sorry I have gotten a little bit busy over the month of April I did a lot of things and I wasn't able to celebrate by April 2.

But right now that isn't important because we are here to celebrate the 3rd Year Anniversary of AS and also it's monthsary of May 2! 

Over the years of this blog there are lots of things I have posted and done on this whole 3 years of bloggings with a little bit of hiatus.

Same as the anime of Aikatsu! The anime also has a lots of things going on and I haven't even fully watched Season 2 and 3 and also the new Arc of Aikatsu! 

Aikatsu Stars!

BUT! I will be making a blog about my insights about the whole Aikatsu series so far so wait for a bit on that

I wanted to discuss more on what happened why have I become inactive and my thoughts about this blog entirely but that's have to wait for a bit.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Thank you for 19,000+ VIEWS!




Thank you so much for the hits! ^_~

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What to expect?

Now that Aikatsu Sugar is opened again what do you guys expect from it?

To answer that I still have no idea yet because I just recently posted and opened this website and I'm still planning what to do with it. It's either I will do some more graphics or talk about the recent news or do some reviews and milestones 

Still not yet sure of what to do but if you have suggestions tell it to me privately or in the chat box in the 'About Me' page but guys expect more inactive posts from me after all I am still busy with life and my interest in Aikatsu is still slowly returning not fully recovered 

Aikatsu Sugar is Back!


Aikatsu Sugar is back but not exactly back as in super active like posting things all the time but overall I'm really back on trying to update this website again!

I still need to do some catching up with this website and the anime series of Aikatsu and I recently opened this website a few days back and I saw I got 18,000 hits?!?!?!, I never really knew this day will come! 

I'm quite surprised to see this kind of rating and I just felt sad that those who still visits sees an announcement of this website closed everyday and hoping for a new post as you can see the last post I made was the 'Happy 2nd Anniversary' post that was 103th post I made here but now that I'm back and ready to post some little bit news even though I barely got any news ^^"

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Another Birthday and that is 2ND BIRTHDAY!!!
I never thought I'll get to this day even though I closed it already and thank you for 13,000 views on my blog

No good news from me yet but in Aikatsu there's a new character there.I don't remember the name but hopefully you know..

I'm more interested at Vocaloids right now than Aikatsu.

~Thank you so much for supporting this blog~

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

12,000 Hits????,My Plan


12,000 Hits??

Wow guys!<You still visit this site.
I'm so happy really.I never known that I'll reach this
goal but I have some news

I plan on reopening the site for a while to see if I could 
handle this site again cause I'm going to rewatch 
Aikatsu to see If I can gain my interest again 

and of course new layout...

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Closing for Good



Hello Guys!,I know It's big news...
that this blog is closing :(
I've been so busy in life and I'm not able to show the other Surprises that I prepared
but this is total goodbye 

I'm also not be able to update my blog but 
I just hope I can so you can see what's new in my life

I'm really sorry for everyone I didn't mean to close the site.I was just so busy and....
I lost interest in Aikatsu completely It's not so
Interesting anymore than before :(

After Aikatsu S1 was finished I was completely satisfied with the ending but When I heard S2 is coming I decided to watch but It didn't hit me very well

I was so bored of watching sometimes I push myself to write something in this blog 
I'm really sorry....

After all my work for 2 years getting
11,000 HITS
I didn't even reach 20,000.I guess that's impossible right?
I am so done with Aikatsu.I will no longer do graphics of it 

(Maybe I will do some if I'm bored)

But for the past graphics please credit this blog ^^""

If there are people still coming here for throwbacks well...


I'm crying for you guys 
You're still visiting 

~Thank you~

Last post of Aikatsu Sugar 
This is Goodbye 
Thank you for everything and guys!