Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Aikatsu Sugar is Back!


Aikatsu Sugar is back but not exactly back as in super active like posting things all the time but overall I'm really back on trying to update this website again!

I still need to do some catching up with this website and the anime series of Aikatsu and I recently opened this website a few days back and I saw I got 18,000 hits?!?!?!, I never really knew this day will come! 

I'm quite surprised to see this kind of rating and I just felt sad that those who still visits sees an announcement of this website closed everyday and hoping for a new post as you can see the last post I made was the 'Happy 2nd Anniversary' post that was 103th post I made here but now that I'm back and ready to post some little bit news even though I barely got any news ^^"

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